Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hi peeps, Seems traffic here's been down lately. I've been wondering if its because the all-powerful ash cloud from the Iceland volcano thats obscuring coputer screens worldwide so people cant surf the net. But after extensive research into the topic, I've concluded that the answer isn't so intuitive. So after much more work delving into the problem, I've found the problem; apparently, the font size of my posts are too small, making it hard for people to read. Therefore, I've decided to increase the font size. Now, as I've explained above, such an action is not the result of the author trynig to slack of and male his posts seem longer, but really a decision made after extensive large-scale double-blind tests and heated top-level debate. So, don't think too much into it ;-). Anyway, I've received a scholarship and place to study at SUTD.Anyway, someoine came to personally deliver the letter of offer, which was sealed in a nice frame already. Such nice people. I was going to go around boasting about it, when J Mei (short for joshua mei, more on this subject later). promptly informed me he had an offer from DSTA, deflating my ego with a pitiful "pop":C.
Whcih reminds me. I must remember not to give my child a name as common as Joshua. ITs really irritating when people around you have the same name too. It tends to go something like this; Random idiot: Eh Joshua!! Me: *Turns around with his politest smile* Yes? Random idiot: *Proceeds to ignore me completely and chat with his intended target/ Swears at me with a combination of words so horrifying it would initiate the autodestruct sequence on your monitor* Me: *In his frendliest tone possible under such circumstances* Oh sorry, have as nice day! (well, thats roughly the gist of my reply anyway Yep, so thats all for today. Gotta go book in to SCS (Sai-kung Cadets School)! Cya next week
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hi people, I know its become something of a custom for this blog to have funny, lighthearted and humorous posts week in, week out. Sadly, however, the reality of this harsh world is such; no human being can be happy and cheery all the time.
Thankfully, I'm a buffalo, so :D.
Anyway, typically blog posts are about the author's life. Unfortunately, army life is top secret and not blogabble, which is why I've stooped to corny buffalo jokes to fill up column inches. Apparently, there're people in the Army whose job is to screen people's blogs to look for suspicous stuff. Which means I'm entertaining some slacker clerk in an air-con office in intel, evidently.
But anyway, I've been on block leave after graduating from BMT, apparently so they can decide where my talents would be best wasted. So I've had a week to try and get some content for you guys. And its been 'pretty fruitful! So here goes;
Friday: Too exhuasted, sleep at home. Saturday: Forgot it was a new day, thought I was still too exhausted. Sleep. Sunday: Oh my goodness! what a great day for sleeping! Nah just kidding. I didn't sleep all week (not for a significant portion at least). Here are the highlights of my week: Wednesday: Went for my SUTD interview. In case you don't know, SUTD (Singapore University of Technology and design) is the new local uni coming up in 2012. Quite a nice place imo. Anyway, the first thing the interviewer told me when i went there was "Hi, joshua. I'm the guy who called you to arrange for the interview"-at which point i was like "OMG and the person who called me to arrange the interview dates wasn't some clerk but the Senior Developer of Curriculum? Whoops, did i forget to smile and say hi?". Friday: Washed the toilets. I was talking to my mum over breakfast and she went "Okay arh joshua this week i let you rest, but next week you have to wash the toilets k. See i'm such a nice mother right?" And i was "-.- mum i'm going into camp next week." Then she went like"OMG really?! The brushes and pails are at the back."
Yep, so much for a fruitful week. And before i end off, I've changed the cbox under vings advice, coz my old cbox was under chunky's account and i didnt have access to delete weird tags from minxiaoxing and whatever rubbish ( I mean wth? People have nothing better to do than go around tagging people's blogs wif weird replies?) So please piss off, weirdos k? Make a buffalo see red and you'll be sorry.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Hi peeps, Some people have been asking why am i known as a buffalo. More accurately, its a Bubalus bubalis (some people like to call it water buffalo, I prefer to sound smarter ;D). But anways, there's a tale of how i became to be known as such an animal (AND NO, IT IS NOT BECAUSE I LOOK LIKE ONE. whoever has the balls to say that shall be sorry. )
Anyway, back to the story. It all happened a long time ago (historians, using a combination of carbon dating and electron microscopy, date it back to about 2008). We were having our Ventures initiation hike. Now ventures initiation is a tough event, as any Venture past or present will tell you. The horrors you go through turns you crazy. (And in case you were wondering, BENJAMIN NG CHERN WEI was sick that day, which is how he maintained his sanity)
So well, after a tough hike, Mr Eugene Lee, our teacher I/C at that time came to us with an evil smile on his face, "Hehehe boys, now take out your water bottles." I swear we all would have run away before he got the the 3rd he, if we hadn't already trekked to the North Pole and back (In any case, he had a van, so there wasn't any point anyway). So, we took our water tanks out of the 3-ton deadweight on our backs and proceeded to drink up.
Some joker couldn't finish his water. In fact, he had something like 30 gallons left. (I believe it was JoviFong. Everything bad should be somehow be traceable back to him). And all of us were chock full with our own water. The situation seemed bleak at that time (For illustration purposes, try to imagine the time LOTR when Rohan was broken and orcs were swarming into the throne room). Then to get a picture of what happened next, imagine the part where Gandalf appears on the horizon withthe sun rising behind him. Yep. Now replace Gandalf with a buffalo.
No, a buffalo did not walk out of the woods and steal our water ^-(..)-^ . I drank it all up in one gulp. It still amazes me how i found the stomach to. But anyway, I did and from then on they decided to give me the honorary title of Bubalus bubalis (Maybe it doesn't sound that honourable, but quit laugihng will ya?) And since then, I've become buffalo.
And so thats the legend of how i came to be a buffalo. Maybe, like every other myth, it was abit twisted and exaggerated after being passed by mouth through countless generation (what? i count as one generation k?). But thats the way the myth is. If ya dun likit, go write one yeself. Hmph