Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Hi peeps, Haven't posted in quite a while. Been burying my head in some real tall grass for the past few weeks, thats how sad i was. Doubtless, no one would have noticed, but i'd still like to wallow in self pity for a bit. Just came back off helping protect a bunch of Leopard tanks last night. Okay, not really protect the tanks. Twas more like protect innocent and unsuspecting Lamborrghinis from them. If they really needed to be protected from civvy cars they wouldn't be worth a few million a pop would they? In any case, I was supposed to close roads off as the NDP mobile column passed. So there we had one times huge buffalo wearing a ludicrous (whoops, meant luminous) yellow vest in the middle of a road attempting to stop suicidal drivers from trying to slow the advance of metal beasts thrice the height of their own vehicle. Which turned out to be a really smart idea, since the luminous marshaller vest has the same effect on cars as red cloth has on bull. Thank god for endowing me with the grace of a matador, or i wouldn't be here. (But certainly he could have thought to endow me with the sword of one too, couldn't he? It might have come in more handy) Speaking of luminous vests, I was watching the Community Shield between Man U and Chelsea when i realised both keepers sported glaringly lum yellow jerseys. Whatever happened to the unostentatious colours of yesterseason? I perfectly understand the need to alert Didier Drogba to your presence lest he decides to bulldoze you, but surely there are more subtle ways than this. On a side note, I also couldn't help but Mezut Ozil looks really like an alien (No he wasn't playing that day; I was just reading the latest transfer gossip). I suspect this might explain why he would prefer to go Barcelona, given that they've been playing like they're from his home planet the past couple of seasons.
Finally, theres this something against towards me referring to myself in third person that people have. I really don't understand it, seriously. In fact, I find it an elegant solution to the paradox the need for self promotion and the aversion i have of blowing my own trumpet. Case-in-point; Don't you find the statement "I think Joshua is really smart" sounds much more objective and credible than "I think I'm really smart"? The benefits are immediately obvious; instead of coming off as a self-obssessed buffoon, you now appear to be a magnanimous and smart person. Furthermore, it adds abit of Yoda-esque mystique to yourself. Ingenious, don't you think?